We have a new addition to our family.... and no it's not a baby. Meet our new mini Shih Tzu, Captain Jack. One of my customers came into the branch with some new little puppies and Tyler and I fell in LOVE with Captain Jack. Dustin loves dogs and Miko has become his dog so I thought for sure he would let us bring a new puppy home. You can imagine my surprise when he said NO?!?! I was okay with his answer but when I talked to my customer she really wanted him to go to a good home and then I thought of all the reasons we needed a little puppy like.... Miko is home all day by himself.... this would be a good lesson for the kids.....and he was just so darn cute!!! But, Dustin still said no. So I told Dustin if we could just keep him over night and if he still said no after that I would know he meant it. So Guess what? WE HAVE A NEW PUPPY!!! Just look how much we all love him.....
Tanner is loving Baseball this year and we are having a blast watching him. I can't believe how well he is doing. We had to pull the tee out the first couple of games but towards the end of the season he had it down. He even hit a few out in the outfield!